Food for the body

For the soul

For the community

Modern Pitch Deck Presentation Template (4)

One small gesture
can change
someone's world.
Let's make it happen.


Ladles of Love is a South African non-profit organization that was founded by restaurateur Daniele Diliberto in 2014. Initially, the organization started as a small soup kitchen serving the homeless community in Cape Town city centre. 

However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the organisation grew exponentially and now provides over 35,000 meals a day through a network of community soup kitchens across the Cape Peninsula.

The organisation expanded to Gauteng in early 2022 and has formalised its programming to address not only food relief but also food security, food waste, and enterprise development.

Nourish Our Children

The Nourish Our Children Programme provides nutritious food to serve 4,000 children two meals a day, supporting Early Childhood Development Centres to focus on education.   

With almost 70% of children living below poverty line, this programme is addressing a vital issue in our country today and supporting our future generation with the nutrients needed to learn, grow, develop, and thrive. 

Realise A Dream

The Realise a Dream Enterprise Development Programme empowers and educates disadvantaged food entrepreneurs and urban farmers through business management training, skills transfer, and mentorship.

Every year, Ladles of Love holds their Realise A Dream Food Entrepreneurship Competition, where the finalists become members of the RAD Entrepreneurs Club, allowing them to network, connect, and share opportunities with each other.   

Feed The Soil

The Feed the Soil programme collects suburban food waste and
converts it into nutrient-rich compost that is paid forward to urban
farmers, who are then provided a route to market for their products.

There are dedicated meeting spots where you can drop off waste,
swop, or shop from local fresh farmers. 

“Ladles of Love is about more than merely providing meals. It’s about dignity, respect, and creating the kind of world we all want to live in.”

Ladles of Love monitors, measures, and reports regularly on the social investment and impact of its programs in quarterly donor reports. The organization’s accountability and nine years of service to communities in need have entrenched it in the hearts of both donors and beneficiaries. The plight of small children in impoverished communities is a priority for the organization, as they cannot focus, learn, or grow when suffering from severe malnutrition.

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Modern Pitch Deck Presentation Template (2)
0 M
Nourishing meals provided
Children supported
0 Tons
Of food waste collected



There’s so many ways to help. From making sandwiches, to helping a fundraiser, or contributing financially, every bit of help matters.