The requirement to aggressively chase carbon reduction and sustainability goals has never been so strong. However the resource base that companies have to tackle this both financially and in skilled personnel has not increased and in most cases has actually become even more scarce.
On top of this, often the compelling WHY for necessary change in the way we DO business and the systems we use is not there. As we know any change imposed is met with resistance. By collectively owning the challenge, creating places for innovation and increasing dialogue these barriers can be overcome and resources already in the organization unlocked.
Over the past 12 years, I have been involved with key industries in the Mining, Metals, Minerals, Plastics, Paper, Rubber and FMG industries throughout South Africa, the UK and Europe, engaged directly in reducing energy consumption and creating greater awareness of sustainability. To date, we have saved these companies 703,233,324 kWh of consumed power with a net financial saving of £4,2M.
To ensure real change requires accurate measurement. Engaging an organization around sustainability requires creating a robust baseline from which to measure success. All future work should be measured against this benchmark. We are committed to directly tying our work to the bottom line. Real measurable achievements that can be reported on, this differentiates us from the consultant model.
Through facilitated workshops, one on ones and direct engagement with all departments we create the awareness and appetite for change.
understanding the why
Presenting the challenges of Climate change and the need for change to every level in the business from C suite to the factory floor
Creating corporate buy in around the key issues
Creating the principles of change
Create an appetite for INNOVATION
Identify WHERE the opportunities exist
Where in each area of business can we become more sustainable?
Create area-specific SMART goals for action and accountability
Facilitate creative thinking and idea generation
understanding the what
Changing the way we THINK about what we do
Identifying What the opportunities for change are
What habits need to change